Capoeira for adults
The Training
The Capoeira training takes place at six days a week. The training is available in different ages and levels of difficulty. Workshops, Batizados and other events are extra announced.
The training takes place from Monday to Sunday. Free trial session for beginners. An entry in the Capoeira is possible at any time. The courses are open - just coming to watch or equal part! We do not charge admission fees. Clothes should be comfortable - Training pants and T-shirt. Capoeira is played barefoot. The academy in Grünwald has a 165 square meters large training room, parquet flooring, wall mirrors, windows for fresh air, separate changing rooms with toilets and showers and a bar. The training in Neuhausen takes place in the municipal gym´s.
Typ of Training
Young people and adults can take lessons in the Academia from Monday to Sunday. There are training for beginners, advanced and on certain days there is training for all. The teaching is divided into a warm-up and a training phase. The warm-up phase starts with fitness training, stretching and muscle structure. In the training phase the attack and defence, kicks and acrobatics are practiced. At the end of each teaching there is a 30 minutes Roda, the traditional Capoeira circle, which in flying exchange two Capoeirista remove their game. The Roda is played with live percussion music. The training takes about 1.5 hours each.